Thursday, April 9, 2009


Clothing: Bringing more than 3 changes of clothes is a luxury you will have to drag to and from the airport via trains and subways. Remember that clothes that you can wash in the sink and dry overnight on a hanger are your best bet. Be sure you have an umbrella and a sweater/coaBoldt/jacket for when it gets cold at night.

Toiletries: Bring the bare minimum and remember that you can't bring on a plane any container of liquid larger than 3 ounces. All 3-ounce containers must be able to fit in a ziplock sandwich bag. See airline regulations at THIS LINK. Don't waste space on items that you can buy in Paris. The city is full of shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, etc.

Shoes: You need two pairs just in case one pair gets wet or rubs a blister. Alternating pairs of shoes helps prevent blisters.

Picnic prep: We're going to picnic in parks and sometimes you'll want to bring a beautiful loaf of bread to your room. If you have a pocket knife (really good if it has a bottle opener and cork screw too), you're ready to consume French delicacies at your leisure. HOWEVER: Do not pack a pocket knife in your carry-on!

Things to Remember:
  • If you are bringing any electric item or anything that need to recharge by being plugged into an outlet, you will need to have an adapter/converter. Click here to see an example. Don't pay more than $10 for such a thing.
  • Don't forget to pack any cords needed to recharge your phone, ipod, camera, etc.
  • Bring only the amount of any prescription medications you need for the duration of the trip. Pack any needed medications in your carry-on. You will not be able to refill a prescription in Paris.
  • Be sure you have the addresses of anyone you want to send a postcard to!

Things to Forget:

  • Books and any other heavy paper items. If you want to read on the flight, bring something you can throw away before our trek to the hotel. Remember that Paris and airports are always full of magazines and newspapers in all languages.
  • alarm clock, hair dryer, clothing iron: our hotel has these in the rooms.
  • exercise gear: you won't have the time or energy to work out. Leave sweats, t-shirts, running shoes, etc. at home.
  • formal clothing: We'll be business casual the whole time. No fancy stuff needed.


Paris Insider said...

Even though I won't be joining you on your literary exploration of Paris, I'd like to say that your advice on packing here is excellent for anyone traveling from the States to Paris.

Thank you for this useful information!

Anonymous said...

How many carry on bags will be allowed on the plane? Should I have a laptop bag separate from my clothing? Or could I have it all in one bag? The converter can be found at Wal-mart for about $10.00.

Bridget Cowlishaw, Ph.D. said...

In answer to the carry-on question: A woman can get away with a purse and another bag that will fit in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. Men will be told they can have just one bag.
Your laptop can be in a bag with other items but you will have to remove it each time you pass through security.